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Is this compatible with full body fps controllers.


Hello! I bought the PRO version, but it seems that there is no complete documentation. If you have free time, I hope it can be improved.

yeah same here i bought the pro version its not complete at all. please help

Hey, sorry I'm working on something else right now. If you jump into the discord then I can assist you with any questions you have.

Hi. Could you please add navigation avoidance also into the template? Example group of enemies (maybe zombies) trying to get to your position to attack etc..


is this suitable for production?


It's missing sound.

What's the difference between this and the free version?

Hey, The difference is the Rig and the IK system. The code for the weapon manager is otherwise identical.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello Chafmere!

Just wanted to say your videos have been so amazing for me in my newbie journey in Godot! I decided to pick this up as a way to support and say thank you!

Keep the awesome tutorial videos coming :^)

<3 Thank you


Hello Chafmere!

I recently finished and published my first project / demo in Godot and wanted to thank you so much for your tutorial videos. They were helpful and monumental during the development of it. In addition to the videos, having your FPS Pro pack helped out greatly too as it allowed me to see and reference mechanics thoroughly to help smoothen out my gameplay. Also I recommend anyone else learning Godot to check out your videos.

I gave you a shoutout in my demo's credits page and have a video published showcasing it: 

Looking forward to your next uploads! :^)

Do you have any templates or videos on how to do quake style movement?

Do you mean like zig-zaging, or bunny-hopping? I've never explored those kinds of things sorry.

Mainly bunny hopping, Also I just got your fps pro and my goal is to make a retro fps with quake style movement lol

Sounds awesome. This pack should be capable of helping with that. The player movement is essentially stock on this, so the bunny hop and all that can be done with interfering with the main bulk of the code. The focus has really been on the weapon controller and the "juice". If you need more assistance feel free to jump into the discord linked in the read me and I can help you further.

Alright awesome and can do, I just join your discord yesterday.


lovely can you add a inventory. pls. <3

What is the difference between free version?

Juice. Head bob, weapon sway and camera shakes.